You can download a detailed list of my publications including work in progress here.
FREITAG, Markus, Anita MANATSCHAL, Kathrin ACKERMANN and Maya ACKERMANN (2016) Freiwilligen-Monitor Schweiz 2016. Zürich: Seismo.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2013) Kantonale Integrationspolitik im Vergleich. Eine Untersuchung der Determinanten und Auswirkungen subnationaler Politikvielfalt. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
book review in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung
book review in the Swiss Political Science Review (by Marc Helbling)
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2008) Demokratiedebatte zwischen Islamismus, Säkularismus und Reformdenken. Eine Untersuchung von Vorschlägen zeitgenössischer Intellektueller aus dem islamischen Raum. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag.
Special Issues (peer reviewed)
MANATSCHAL, Anita, Verena WISTHALER, and Christina ZUBER (2020). Making regional citizens? The political drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies in Europe and North America, Regional Studies, 54(11).
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
MICHEL, Elie, Anita MANATSCHAL, and Eva G. T. GREEN (2024). Explaining support for border closures during the Covid-19 pandemic: exposure, political attitudes, or pandemic policy feedback? International Journal of Public Opinion Research, online first.
VÉTOIS, Matthieu E., Katrin SONTAG, Anita MANATSCHAL, Nelida PLANAMENTE, Jinhee KIM, and Juan Manuel FALOMIR-PICHASTOR (2023). Overcoming Social Interactions Stress during COVID-19 Lockdown: The Role of Individuals‘ Mobility and Online Emotional Support. International Migration Review, online view first.
BENNOUR, Salomon, Anita MANATSCHAL, Didier RUEDIN (2022). How political reception contexts shape location decisions of immigrants, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(19): 4730-4753. [conjoint data]
BENNOUR, Salomon and Anita MANATSCHAL (2022). Voting with Their Feet by Staying? The Political Drivers of Noncitizens‘ (Im-)mobility, Swiss Political Science Review, 28(3): 536-556.
PECORARO, Marco, Anita MANATSCHAL, Eva G.T. GREEN, and Philippe WANNER (2022). How effective are integration policy reforms? The case of asylum-related migrants, International Migration, 60(6): 95-110.
See also NCCR policy brief on this study
KENDE, Judit, Oriane SARRASIN, Anita MANATSCHAL, Karen PHALET, Eva G. T. GREEN (2022) Policies and prejudice: integration policies moderate the link between immigrant presence and anti-immigrant prejudice, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(2): 337–352. [code and replication material]
See also NCCR policy brief on this study
POLITI, Emanuele, Salomon BENNOUR, Adrian LUEDERS, Anita MANATSCHAL, Eva G.T. GREEN (2022) Where and Why Immigrants Intend to Naturalize: The Interplay Between Acculturation Strategies and Integration Policies. Political Psychology, 43(3): 437-455.
FERNÁNDEZ-I-MARÍN, Xavier, Carolin RAPP, Christian ADAM, Oliver JAMES, Anita MANATSCHAL (2021) Discrimination against mobile European Union citizens before and during the first COVID-19 lockdown: Evidence from a conjoint experiment in Germany, European Union Politics, 22(4): 741–761. [code and replication material]
ADAM, Christian, Xavier FERNÁNDEZ-I-MARÍN, Oliver JAMES, Anita MANATSCHAL, Carolin RAPP, and Eva THOMANN (2021) Differential discrimination against mobile EU citizens: experimental evidence from bureaucratic choice settings, Journal of European Public Policy, 28(5): 742-760. [code and replication material]
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2021) The integrative force of political institutions? Direct democracy and voter turnout across ethnic and nativity groups, Comparative Migration Studies, 9(1).
MANATSCHAL, Anita, Verena WISTHALER, and Christina ZUBER (2020). Making regional citizens? The political drivers and effects of subnational immigrant integration policies in Europe and North America, Regional Studies, 54(11): 1475-1485.
FILINDRA, Alexandra and Anita MANATSCHAL (2020) Coping with a changing integration policy context: American state policies and their effects on immigrant political engagement, Regional Studies, 54(11): 1546-1557.
ACKERMANN, Kathrin and Anita MANATSCHAL (2018) Online volunteering as a means to overcome unequal participation? The profiles of online and offline volunteers compared, New Media & Society, 20(12): 4453–4472.
GUNDELACH, Birte and Anita MANATSCHAL (2017) Ethnic Diversity, Social Trust and the Moderating Role of Subnational Integration Policy, Political Studies, 65(2): 413–431.
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Julian BERNAUER (2016) Consenting to Exclude? Empirical Patterns of Democracy and Immigrant Integration Policy, West European Politics, 39(2): 183-204.
THOMANN, Eva and Anita MANATSCHAL (2016) Identifying context and cause in small-N settings: a comparative multilevel analysis, Policy Sciences, 49(3): 335-348.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2015) Reciprocity as a trigger of social cooperation in contemporary immigration societies? Acta Sociologica, 58(3): 233-248.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2015) Switzerland – Really Europe’s Heart of Darkness? Swiss Political Science Review, 21(1): 23-35.
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Markus FREITAG (2014) Reciprocity and Volunteering, Rationality and Society, 26(2): 208-235.
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2014) Do Integration Policies Affect Immigrants’ Voluntary Engagement? An Exploration at Switzerland’s Subnational Level, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(3-4): 404-423.
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Isabelle STADELMANN-STEFFEN (2013) Cantonal variations of integration policy and their impact on immigrant educational inequality, in: Vink, Maarten and Marc Helbling: “The Use and Misuse of Policy Indices in the Domain of Citizenship and Integration”. Special issue of Comparative European Politics 11(5): 671-695
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2012) Path Dependent or Dynamic? Cantonal Integration Policies between Regional Citizenship Traditions and Right Populist Party Politics, Ethnic and Racial Studies 35(2): 281-297.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2011) Taking Cantonal Variations of Integration Policy Seriously – or How to Validate International Concepts at the Subnational Comparative Level, Swiss Political Science Review 17(3): 336-357.
Journal Articles (non peer-reviewed)
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2015) Welche Integrationspolitik braucht die Schweiz? Asyl 3/15: 10-12.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2011) Integrationspolitik – Messwerte belegen den „Röstigraben“, terra cognita 19: 44-47.
DLABAC, Oliver; KRÖMLER, Oliver and Anita MANATSCHAL (2011) Politik – Ein Kinderspiel ? Ein Experiment zur Ermittlung der politischen Präferenz von Kindern, Polis, das Magazin für politische Bildung, No. 4, 12-14.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2010) „Féminisme d’État Tunisien“: 50 ans plus tard, la situation des Tunisiennes, Politorbis, No. 48, 43-4.
Book chapters
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2023). Integration Policy. In The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, edited by Patrick Emmenegger, Flavia Fossati, Silja Häusermann, Yannis Papadopoulos, Pascal Sciarini and Adrian Vatter. New York: Oxford University Press, 677–694.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2022) Framing Matters: Pathways between Policies, Immigrant Integration, and Native Attitudes. In: Crepaz, Markus (ed.): The Handbook on Migration and Welfare. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 195-209.
LAVENEX, Sandra, and Anita MANATSCHAL (2022) Migrationspolitik. In: Papadopoulos, Yannis, Pascal Sciarini, Adrian Vatter, Silja Häusermann, Patrick Emmenegger and Flavia Fossati (eds.): Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. Manuel der la politique suisse. Zürich: NZZ Verlag, 857-882.
BENNOUR, Salomon, and Anita MANATSCHAL (2019) Immigrants’ Feelings of Attachment to Switzerland: Does the Cantonal Context Matter? In: Steiner, Ilka and Philippe Wanner (eds.): Migrants and Expats: The Swiss Migration and Mobility Nexus. Cham: Springer Open, 189-220.
STADELMANN-STEFFEN, Isabelle and Anita MANATSCHAL (2016) Freiwilligentätigkeit in der Schweiz –empirische Evidenz aus dem Schweizer Freiwilligen-Monitor. In: Budowksi, Monica und Michael Nollert (eds.): Unbezahlt und dennoch Arbeit. Zürich: Seismo, 207-232.
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Carolin RAPP (2015) Welche Schweizer wählen die SVP und warum? In: Freitag, Markus and Adrian Vatter (eds.): Wahlen und Wählerschaft in der Schweiz. Zürich: NZZ Verlag, 187-216.
LAVENEX, Sandra and Anita MANATSCHAL (2014) Migrationspolitik. In: Knoepfel, Peter et al. (eds.) Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. Zürich: NZZ Verlag, 671-694.
Freitag, Markus und Anita Manatschal (2014) Unbezahlt, aber unbezahlbar: Freiwilliges Engagement als soziales Kapital der Schweiz. In: Freitag, Markus (ed.): Das soziale Kapital der Schweiz. Zürich: NZZ Verlag, 115-146.
Freitag, Markus und Anita Manatschal (2014) „Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn“? Die Norm der Gegenseitigkeit als soziales Kapital der Schweiz. In: Freitag, Markus (ed.): Das soziale Kapital der Schweiz. Zürich: NZZ Verlag, 181-211.
MANATSCHAL Anita (2014) Swiss Immigration Federalism. In: Baglay, Sasha and Delphine Nakache (eds.): Immigration Regulation in Federal States: Challenges and Responses in Comparative Perspective. London etc.: Springer, 179-198.
Blogposts and policy briefs
Manatschal, Anita (2024) Stimmrecht für Ausländer*innen ja oder nein: macht es überhaupt einen Unterschied? NCCR on the move blog series on non-citizen voting rights.
Kende, Judit, Oriane Sarrasin, Anita Manatschal, Karen Phalet, and Eva G. T. Green (2022) Many Immigrants Endowed With Equal Rights, a Recipe Against Xenophobia Despite High Immigrant Presence? NCCR policy brief in a nutshell #21.
ADAM, Christian, Xavier FERNANDEZ-I-MARIN, Oliver JAMES, Anita MANATSCHAL, Carolin RAPP, and Eva THOMANN (2021) Same legal status but unequal treatment: Bureaucratic discrimination against mobile EU citizens. 3 August 2021, LSE blog.
reprint as NCCR on the move Blog, 7 September 2021.
reprint in German on DeFacto, 21 October 2021.
MANATSCHAL, Anita, Eva G.T. GREEN, Marco PECORARO, and Philippe WANNER (2021) How Effective Are Integration Policy Reforms for Asylum-Related Migrants? NCCR policy brief in a nutshell #19.
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Katrin SONTAG (2020) Editorial to NCCR on the move blog series “Social Cohesion Beyond the Nation State?”
FALOMIR-PICHASTOR, Juan, GREEN, Eva G.T. and Anita MANATSCHAL (2020) Social Cohesion and Intergroup Attitudes: The Role of Social Norms. NCCR on the move blog series “Social Cohesion Beyond the Nation State?”
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2017) Warum eine Einbürgerung für die dritte Ausländergeneration wichtig ist. 19 January 2017, NCCR on the move Blog.
reprint on DeFacto, 23 January 2017.
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Julian BERNAUER (2017) Rechtspopulismus und Migration: Hunde die bellen, beissen nicht? 23 January 2016, DeFacto.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2011) On the relevance of comprehensive comparative analyses at the Subnational level. Contribution to the EUDO Citizenship Forum debate launched by Marc Helbling.
Book Reviews, Working Papers
PECORARO, Marco, Anita MANATSCHAL, Eva G.T. GREEN, and Philippe WANNER (2019) Does integration policy improve labour market, sociocultural and psychological adaptation of asylum-related immigrants? Evidence from Sri Lankans in Switzerland. IRENE working paper 19-08.
(2014) Katharina Füglister, “Policy Laboratories of the Federal State? The Role of Intergovernmental Cooperation in Health Policy Diffusion in Switzerland”, Swiss Political Science Review, 20(3), 509-511.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2011) On the relevance of comprehensive comparative analyses at the subnational level, in Bauböck, Rainer and Marc Helbling (eds.): “Which indicators are most useful for comparing citizenship policies?” EUI working paper 54, Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies, 27-29.
(2010) Damir Skenderovic, “The radical right in Switzerland: continuity and change, 1945-2000”, Acta Politica 45(3), 374-377.
MANATSCHAL, Anita (2010) Integration Policies in Federal Settings: Assessing the Impact of Exclusionary Citizenship Conceptions on Cantonal Integration Policies, CIS Working Paper, No 55.
Mandated Research Reports
MANATSCHAL, Anita and Eva THOMANN (2011) Vergleich des Organspendewesens in der Schweiz und Spanien. Studie im Auftrag der Sektion Transplantation des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit. Bern, Institut für Politikwissenschaft und Büro Vatter AG.