University of Neuchâtel
BA-seminar „Introduction à la Sociologie Politique“ (spring term 2021)
BA-seminar „Sociologie Politique“ (spring term 2022, 2023)
MA-seminar „Diversifying Democracy“ (spring terms 2020, 2021)
MA-seminar „Xenophobia“ (spring terms 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, fall terms 2019, 2020)
MA-seminar „Immigrant civic engagement“ (spring term 2017)
MA-seminar „Integration policy in subnational regions“ (spring terms 2017, 2019, 2020)
MA-seminar „Introduction aux études des migrations et de la citoyenneté“, together with Prof. Dr. Gianni D’Amato (fall terms 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
MA-seminar „Immigrant political incorporation“ (fall terms 2016, 2017)
MA-seminar „Asylum Policy“ (fall terms 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023)
Bern University
BA-seminar “Multikulturelle Demokratie” (Multicultural Democracy) (spring term 2015)
BA-proseminar “Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement von Immigranten” (Immigrant civic engagement) (fall term 2014)
MA-seminar “Freiwilliges Engagement” (Volunteering) (fall term 2013)
BA-proseminar “Freiwilliges Engagement” (Volunteering) (fall term 2012)
BA-seminar “Integrationspolitik in föderalen Systemen” (Integration policy in federal states) (fall term 2011)
BA-proseminar “Integrationspolitik in föderalen Systemen” (Integration policy in federal states) (fall term 2010)
University of Zurich
MA-seminar “Demokratiemuster in den Schweizer Kantonen” (Patterns of democracies in Swiss cantons), together with Prof. Dr. Adrian Vatter (two semesters, fall 2008 and spring 2009)
Tutorship of the Seminar “US-Aussenpolitik” (US-foreign policy) (spring term 2006)
MA-seminar “Erdöl und indigene Völker im Amazonas” (Crude oil and indigenous people in the Amazon) with Dr. Tobias Haller, Madlen Kobi and Karin Mettler (spring term 2005)
Tutorship of the Seminar “Einführung in die Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft” (Introduction into General Linguistics) (two semesters, fall 2004 and spring 2005)